SUN MAR 24, 2024 4:00 PM


$8.00 (member) ; $13.00 (general admission)

Ticket prices include a $2.00 online booking fee.

Egyptian Theatre | ‘NOIR CITY: Hollywood 2024’

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  • RELEASED IN: 1947
  • 96 MINUTES
  • DIRECTED BY: Lewis Allen


DESERT FURY, Dir. Lewis Allen, 96 Min, Universal, USA

Originally released August 15, 1947

Lizabeth Scott in glorious Technicolor — swirls of yellow hair, emerald eyes, fire-engine red lips and plenty of Edith Head wardrobe changes — is surely something to behold. But she’s only one of the over-the-top treats in this offbeat crime drama. Mary Astor seems a bit too-enamored of her own daughter (Liz), Wendell Corey is murderously miffed at being jilted by partner-in-crime John Hodiak, and beefcake lawman Burt Lancaster seems oblivious to the mix-and-match sexuality surging all around him. Declared by Eddie Muller “The gayest movie ever made in Hollywood’s Golden Era.”

FORMAT: 35mm