THU APR 13, 2023 10:00 PM DRYLONGSO $8.00 (member) ; $13.00 (general admission) Ticket prices include a $2.00 online booking fee. Los Feliz 3 | Pre-recorded introduction by ‘Perpetratin’ Realism’ curators Dr. Felice Blake, Dr. Keith Harris, Dr. Roya Rastegar New 4K Restoration! Limited Engagement Checking Event Status... *This is an RSVP which means first come first served. This RSVP does not guarantee a seat. Not a Member? Join Today. Already a Member? Be sure you are logged in to your account. Your RSVP is being held for 1 minute, please select the quantity and fill out your contact info to complete the RSVP First Name Last Name Email Quantity Subscribe to our newsletter FINISH
ABOUT THE FILM: A lost treasure of 1990s DIY filmmaking, Cauleen Smith’s DRYLONGSO embeds an incisive look at racial injustice within a lovingly handmade buddy movie/murder mystery/ romance. Alarmed by the rate at which the young Black men around her are dying—indeed, “becoming extinct,” as she sees it—brash Oakland art student Pica (Toby Smith) attempts to preserve their existence in Polaroid snapshots, along the way forging a friendship with a woman in an abusive relationship (April Barnett), experiencing love and loss, and being drawn into the search for a serial killer who is terrorizing the city. Capturing the vibrant community spirit of Oakland in the nineties, Smith crafts both a rare cinematic celebration of Black female creativity and a moving elegy for a generation of lost African American men. FORMAT: DCP DISTRIBUTOR: JANUS FILMS COUNTRY: USA