SAT MAR 30, 2024 7:30 PM NIGHTMARE ALLEY on Nitrate $15.00 (member) ; $20.00 (general admission) Ticket prices include a $2.00 online booking fee. Egyptian Theatre | Special 35mm Nitrate Presentation! ‘NOIR CITY: Hollywood 2024’ Checking Event Status... *This is an RSVP which means first come first served. This RSVP does not guarantee a seat. Not a Member? Join Today. Already a Member? Be sure you are logged in to your account. Your RSVP is being held for 1 minute, please select the quantity and fill out your contact info to complete the RSVP First Name Last Name Email Quantity Subscribe to our newsletter FINISH
ABOUT THE FILM: NIGHTMARE ALLEY, Dir. Edmund Goulding, 110 Min, Disney, USA Originally released October 9, 1947 One of the bleakest and most audacious pictures ever to emerge from Hollywood. Tyrone Power has the best role of his career as carny roustabout Stanton Carlisle, who connives his way into the big-time as a “mentalist,” preying on the hopes and fears of gullible rubes. But when he betrays his honest wife and partner (Coleen Gray) by throwing in with a shady psychoanalyst (Helen Walker)—there’s hell to pay. Based on the legendary cult novel by William Lindsey Gresham, the tale’s themes about the exploitation of human nature make the film seem more prescient than ever. FORMAT: 35mm Nitrate 35mm print courtesy of the Film Noir Foundation Collection at the UCLA Film & Television Archive