SAT SEP 30, 2023 4:00 PM

Shorts Block 2: Ent Exposure Therapy


Ticket prices include a $2.00 online booking fee.

NEON Theatre at Los Feliz 3 | Beyond Fest 2023

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Body horror – and the horrors of the body and mind – abound. Boogers, body image, birthright: our proximal undoing. Not for the squeamish or the photosensitive. Long live the new flesh.

“The Heritage,” Andrew Rutter, 12 Minutes, UK

A man makes a gargantuan discovery when meeting his biological father for the first time.

“Nosepicker,” Ian Mantgani,  17 Minutes, UK

A ‘tale of the unexpected’ shot on glorious 16mm about a British schoolboy with a nasty habit of picking his nose. Bullied by classmates, unhelped by authority figures, Georgie retreats into himself with macabre results. Photosensitivity warning.

“Death Snot,” Charlie Schwan,  9 Minutes, USA

A man is driven to the brink of insanity as he desperately attempts to rid his body of mucus.

“Eyestring,” Javier Devitt, 8 min, USA/Argentina

With a mysterious string growing from her eye and questionable advice from a hotline service, Veronica is led on a strange quest for answers.

“All Your Women Things,” Madison Bloom,  13 Minutes, USA

During a routine fitting at work, lingerie designer Anna discovers a grotesque source of inspiration.

“The Third Ear,” Nathan Ginter, 13 min, USA

After seeing a botched depiction of himself, Sammy, a nude drawing model, sprouts an ear from the back of his head, spiraling his sense of self-image and life out of control.

“Tiny Thing,”   Joshua Giuliano, 16 Minutes, USA

It’s the tiny things that fuck us over in the end.

“The Key,” Rakan Mayasi, 19 Minutes, Palestine

An Israeli family’s equilibrium gradually disintegrates as the mysterious sound of a key is heard every evening in the door of their apartment.