SAT APR 15, 2023 7:00 PM YOUR NAME. $8.00 (member) ; $13.00 (general admission) Ticket prices include a $2.00 online booking fee. Los Feliz 3 | ‘Across Time and Space: The Films of Makoto Shinkai’ Checking Event Status... *This is an RSVP which means first come first served. This RSVP does not guarantee a seat. Not a Member? Join Today. Already a Member? Be sure you are logged in to your account. Your RSVP is being held for 1 minute, please select the quantity and fill out your contact info to complete the RSVP First Name Last Name Email Quantity Subscribe to our newsletter FINISH
ABOUT THE FILM: In Japanese with English subtitles. Mitsuha and Taki are total strangers living completely different lives. But when Mitsuha makes a wish to leave her mountain town for the bustling city of Tokyo, they become connected in a bizarre way. She dreams she is a boy living in Tokyo while Taki dreams he is a girl from a rural town he’s never visited. What does their newfound connection mean? And how will it bring them together? Not in any way you’d expect, that’s for certain. FORMAT: DCP DISTRIBUTOR: Crunchyroll COUNTRY: Japan